Adult REhabilitative MEntal Health Services (ARMHS)
Starting in April 2025 Breanna Marshall will be starting as our ARMHS mental health practitioner!!
ARMHS is a range of services that help individuals develop and enhance their stability, social competencies, personal and emotional adjustment, and independent living and community skills.
Providers will help individuals build skills in areas of everyday living when their symptoms of mental health have decreased.
SKILLS that may need improvement:
Interpersonal communications
Using community resources
Budgeting, shopping and healthy lifestyles
Mental illness symptom management
Household management
Employment-related skills
Basic living and social skills may be provided individually or in a group setting.
Eligible recipients for ARMHS must be:
Be 18 years old or older
Be diagnosed with a serious mental illness
Have a significant impairment in functioning.
ARMHS services may be provided:
At the person’s home or the home of a relative or significant other
In community locations such as a mental health program, drop-in center or classroom.